Jewelry/Metalsmithing Studios 

Jewelry & Metalsmithing 

Our well-equipped jewelry and metalsmithing studio provides a professional space for a wide variety of classes and workshops, as well as a robust studio access program. The JM (Jewelry & Metals) Studio offers classes for all levels, including beginner and intermediate weekly classes and specialized 1- or 2-day workshops designed for multiple levels of experience. Whether you are a newcomer to the jewelry community looking to start a new hobby or an experienced artist wanting to hone your craft, the JM Studio and its highly skilled teaching artists have something for you to learn. All our classes and workshops provide the necessary tools and materials for the course. For more in-depth class & studio equipment information, click here

Student Friday Sessions 

Students actively enrolled in a multi-week class (workshops and intensives not included) are eligible to participate in our monitored Student Friday Sessions. These open studio sessions are a time for students to practice skills and project-based techniques learned in their classes. Studio monitors are scheduled and staffed to assist and mentor students with skills they are learning in their courses.  

Please view the Jewelry & Metals Studio Schedule here for scheduled sessions. 

Studio Access (Equipment) 

Click here for general information about Pratt's Studio Access Program & learn more about becoming a Jewelry/Metalsmithing Studio Access User here

Equipment Name 

Open to Access Users 

Open to Student Friday Sessions 

Open to Specific Classes Only 

Jewelers' benches with flex shafts 


Acetylene torches 


Oxyacetylene torches 


Pickle Pots 


Soldering flux and tools 


Soldering wire 



Various hammers 


Plyers and snips 











Basic consumables i.e. sandpaper and wire 



Rolling Mills 



Hydraulic Press 



Step Shear 


Pepe benchtop shear 




Beverly shear 




PMC kiln 



Enameling kilns 



Holloware stakes and hammers 


Buffing unit and wheels 


Ultrasonic cleaner 


Magnetic tumbler 


Dapping tools 


Disc cutter 




Letter & Numeral Set 




Engraving tools 



Casting- mold making 








Casting- 3D printer 




For questions about accessibility, contact Jewelry/Metals & Stone Studio Manager, and Accessibility Coordinator Miles Schagel at